Rebecca Thoo Hui Ying / 0350359
Bachelor of Designs (Hons) in Creative Media 
Creative Brand Strategy// Task 01 (A & B)



Week o1

Understanding Brand Strategy
✧ Branding is considered as one of the most crucial aspects of a business strategy and provides a sustainable competitive advantage to the business which helps to differentiate its products and services from those of its competitors.

✧ Brand Strategy defines the HOW, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN & WHO the business communicate the brand messages to

✧ Consistent brand message and strong emotional connection and interaction with customers is a well-defined and executed brand strategy

Week 02

The Branding Process
✧ A brand on its own encompasses the perception of its & its reputation

✧A brand must respond to these shifts in social trend to remain in tune with its audiences

The Basic Brand Development Process
✧ Formulating a brand strategy
    ✧ A brand strategy critical to determine the direction for the brand

 ✧ Creative Execution
    ✧ The strategy that feed into the brand development stage, involving in creating a look & feel for the brand as well as the brand language & logo

 ✧ Creative Implementation
    ✧ Design is needed for a full brand implementation form concept to development to creating a brand presence

 ✧ Communicating the brand
    ✧ Covering both employee & external communications execution for the brand

Event Campaign
✧ Be it virtual or in-person, to teach potential and existing customers about the produts, services or business

Launch Campaign
✧ to complete specific marketing goals such as capturing new customers, increasing revenue, building product awareness, increasing interest in existing products.

Personality Campaign
✧ A plan to take a person's reputation & career from relative obscurity to high visibility

✧ Strengths (internal factors)
    ✧ things a brand does particulary well that distinguishes itself from the competitors

✧ Weakness (internal factors)
    ✧ An inherent features of a brand that focuses on the internal factors (resources, limitations, necessary skills, systems or procedures)
    ✧ time is needed to examine how and why competitors are doing better and what we are lacking

✧ Opportunities (external factors)
    ✧ Arises from external situations and are chances for something positive to happen
    ✧ Can be observed as marketing trends, technology advancement or changes insocial patterns, population profiles and lifestyles can arise interesting opportunities

✧ Threats (external factors)
    ✧ External challengers that can have a negatively affect
    ✧ making consideration onwhat competitors are doing, whether changing to meet the challenge is needed

Customer Journey Map
✧ A visual representation of the customer journey (buyer or user)
✧ Assist in identifying customer's experiences with the brand across all touchpoints in all stages
✧ A tool to help visualise and clarify current or future states of customer experience in all stages of customership
✧ A comprehensive CJM consists of:
                1. customer actions
                2. motives
                3. experiences
✧CJM is able to align customer experiences with brand goals by creating appropriate brand touchpoints, which is the core responsibility of a designer

Requirements to map customer journey effectively
✧ Focus on customer perspectives -  how a customer experiences and interacts with a company
✧ Ensure the maps reflect all touchpoints
✧ Account for customer segments - acknowledges different customer segments experience products, brands and services differently

Brand Positioning
✧ Positioning is used as an internal statement of strategy to guide external implementation

✧ Things to consider while working for a Brand positioning Statement

1. TO (target audience) - who is the brand built for? 
2. (brand) IS THE ONLY (frame of reference) - what is the competitive context? 
3. THAT (benefits delivered) - wat benefits should the brand stand for? 
4. BECAUSE (proof points) - what are the reasons-to-believe the positioning? 

Week 03

Creative Brief
Brand Positioning Statement
✧ A positioning statement is a description of your product and target customer and explains how it fills a market need
✧ Target Customer > Market Definition > Brand Promise > Reason to Believe

Big Idea
✧ A hook, the all-embracing message the brand is conveying, that underpins all elements of a campaign in order to relate and resonate with its intended target audience.
✧ The big idea will need to be related to the insight and linked to the campaign’s objectives to ensure it has maximum impact and relevance.
Clarifying Strategy
✧  All learnings from secondary research & analysis filtered and formed into a unifying idea to determine the target audiences, brand core values, brand attributes & project goals
Developing a Positioning Platform
✧  After gathering informations and analysis, is the stage to refine the positioning strategy 
Uncover Brand Essence
✧  Questions to ask when it comes to this stage: 
        ✧ What does a brand do that is best in the world? 
        ✧ Why is it chosen over its competition? (Competitive Advantage)
        ✧ How does a brand wants to be received? (Core Values)
        ✧ What are its strengths & weaknesses? (SWOT Analysis)
Create the Big Idea
✧  It can be expressed in a sentence or can be a tagline
✧  Must be simple & understandable

✧  Example of a Big Idea (from lecturer's slide)

Week 04

A brand is a desired perception
✧ Brand experience and the relationship a brand has with its consumers is created by brand touch points

Brand Touchpoints
✧ Defined as interactions & exposures, basically the relationship brand and consumer has.
✧ Touchpoints can be from website to a retail space, all of which that plays a role in the overall customer experienced

✧ Touchpoints should be considered and focused in order to achieve business goals and creating an impactful campaign
Step 01: Customer Journey Map
✧ Make a complete list of the various Brand Marketing activities and Brand Touchpoints for everywhere your target audience could experience them along the phases in ‘Customer Journey Map’.

Step 02: Priotise Touchpoints
✧ Rank touchpoints based on potential impact and how likely it will be implemented in the campaign

Step 03: Brand Marketing activities


✧ We were briefed in about what is to expect in this semester, assignments were explained in detail. It will be a research heavy module as we will be looking into case studies (Task 01 A), analysing and understanding them before coming up with a campaign of our own (which are tasks 01 B to task 03)
✧ Task 1 A *Rough* topic ideas: 

            1. Spotify "Wrapped" Campaign
            ✧ Interactive, interact with podcasters, users, artists 
            ✧ Encourages ppl to use spotify as their music platforms 
            ✧ Involves the music community with the story sharing function 

Feedback: could look at all the wrapped years and make a summary on it. Very good campaign case study.  

            2. GentleMonster "Jentle Home & Garden" Campaign 
            ✧ Pop ups of the jentle home exhibition 

Feedback: interesting case study, can showcase vids of the pr packages,  

            3. Louis Vitton x Yayoi Kusuma Campaign
            ✧ Interesting pop up figurines of Yayoi incorporated into the LV building spotted in various cities alongside the iconic signature mark of the artist, the poka dots. 

Feedback: a great case study however this is being covered by another classmate.

Final Feedback: Compare ideas 1 & 2 to see which has more information and through there, determine the final campaign. 
Research Progression
✧ The task starts with first researching and narrowing down which campaign I think would be fun to work with. After researching, I've decided to go with Gentle Monster's collaboration with Jennie from BlackPink as it is more intriguing and interesting. 
Fig 1.1 Research comparison done in MiroBoard

✧ The campaign I ultimately turning point which led to Gentle Monster being picked was because it was a 2 time collaboration with Jennie that received massive success in terms of sales as well as rising the sunglass brand's reputation and awareness. 

Fig 1.2 In depth Rough Research of Gentle Monster's collaborations with Jennie
✧ A rough research plotting of interesting facts were done in MiroBoard to better familiarise with the campaigns side by side.
Fig 1.3 In depth Rough Research of Gentle Monster's collaborations with Jennie

Final Submission TASK 01 A: 
Fig 1.4 Final Task 01 A Case Study Canva Presentation
Fig 1.5 Final Task 01 A Case Study PDF


✧Task 1 B *Rough* topic ideas:  

             1. Levi's
            ✧recycyling old jeans and retailoring/reinventing it into new jeans  
            ✧Visual- could be (mix media)  
            ✧Trend: recycling and upcycling fashion items, reducing fashion footprint, 
                fighting against fast fashion, riding on the trend of vintage clothing 
            ✧Idea: could be malaysianise, chongsam, batik, saree using diff shades of jeans 

Feedback: Contempary, going along with the trend, has potential on designs n visualising. an example to reference could be the new iphone 14 colours ad, where mix media of photography and illustration was utilised. 

            2. Kitkat 
            ✧ Malaysian day campaign, malaysian flavours 
            ✧ Visual- mix media 
            ✧Introducing malahsian flabvours: hibicus, cendol, kuih 
            ✧Incorporating cultures and launching it as an event so it can educate the 
                malaysian crowd as most ppl are (mayb don’t know mcuh bout our culture) 
            ✧ Eg: something like  

Feedback: very design driven, KK needs to be at the background to not obvershadow it, strategy needs to be stronger 

            3. MRT 
            ✧ awareness campaign, (could be promoting the new route, maybe it could be like 
            urging ppl to migrate n populate the putrajaya and cyberjaya area)  
            ✧ creating a better image comfort efficiency encourages ppl, top transport , bringing colours to life, l 
            ✧ Idea: intro vid – black n white and then the train comes in bringing coloirs into it 

Feedback: Look at positive points. Could be something good to work on if able to build on the topic. Lots of research needed. Yes there is the bad parts of mrt, bt we (mei you kan guo dan shi bao rong)  

            4. Starbucks 
            ✧Pet friendly café at spots like desa park where pets can also get a puppachino~  

TC: very design driven, not quite recommended
Research/Brainstorming Progression
 ✧ After the brand has been determined, I went straight into researching about the current issue/ problem. 
Fig 2.1 Research on current issue 
Fig 2.2 brainstorming of campaign 
Draft Brand Campaign Presentation
Fig 2.3 Draft Brand Campaign Presentation

 After receiving the feedbacks from Ms, few things were needed to be amended to make the campaign better like further elaborating some of the points. 

Final Submission Task 01 B:
Fig 2.4 Final Task 01 B Campaign Proposal PDF


Lecturer's Feedback:

Rough topic ideas for task 01A:
Spotify "Wrapped" Campaign: could look at all the wrapped years and make a summary on it. Very good campaign case study.
GentleMonster "Jentle Home & Garden" Campaign: interesting case study, can showcase vids of the pr packages,
Louis Vitton x Yayoi Kusuma Campaign: a great case study however this is being covered by another classmate.
Final Feedback: Compare ideas 1 & 2 to see which has more information and through there, determine the final campaign.

Rough topic ideas for task 01B:
Levi's: Contempary, going along with the trend, has potential on designs n visualising. an example to reference could be the new iphone 14 colours ad, where mix media of photography and illustration was utilised.
Kitkat: very design driven, KK needs to be at the background to not obvershadow it, strategy needs to be stronger
MRT: Look at positive points. Could be something good to work on if able to build on the topic. Lots of research needed. Yes there is the bad parts of mrt, bt we (包容~)
Starbucks: very design driven, not quite recommended

Lecturer's Feedback:

✧ After our discussions, I narrowed down to 2 brand ideas: Kitkat & MRT. For the final verdict, I've decide to go with MRT. Ms mentioned Kitkat is a good idea as well, whereas MRT would be a fun challenge. Which I've decided to take on the challenge~

Lecturer's Feedback:

Task 01 A: Submitted feedback
✧ too focused on the main brand, but there were shortage of information on the campaign. 
✧ good examples to demonstrate the brand's identity & critical analysis throughout the conclusion

Task 01 B: Campaign Proposal draft consultation:
✧ Tie back information from the campaign description to the brand story 
✧ Ms suggested I could further elaborate the points in Brand Value to make the point go across stronger
✧ SWOT Analysis's (S&O) needs more work and thought
✧ Ms mentioned, for the customer Journey Map, focus on touch points & experience. the rest is there to assist in how to create the content


I developed a whole level of respect to designers who create/ assist in creating brand campaign. To create a campaign from scratch, is no easy feat. There's a lot of factors to consider and putting ourselves into perspective of the visitor helps to reassure if the campaign would work, or not. It is not an overnight kind of thing, a lot of understanding and research about the brand/ topic is needed to create something more solid. Prior to my proposal, I was already aware of the issue, but did not realised how big of an issue it was, this also helps to widen my knowledge as I go on to create the campaign. 

Vision & mission are the key elements to keep a brand campaign going. I observed, after having an idea of the campaign, one must solidify the vision & mission in order to plan how the campaign would reach its goals. 

For task 01 A, I worked on researching about Gentle Monster's collaboration with Jennie (Blackpink), that was an eye opening research. Through this campaign, I found that there are so many ways to create awareness and bring about exposure to the brand. \


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