Rebecca Thoo Hui Ying / 0350359
Bachelor of Designs (Hons) in Creative Media 



Week 01
  The first day of class was a debriefing session where Mr Asrizal gave us an overview of what is the expect for Major Project. 

  Unlike previous semesters, a new rule was added where this project can be either a group project or individual.

  Sir briefed us on the possible 4 pathways on how we can go about with this project:
         Pathway (1) : looking back at the dissertation topic, expanding it into a potential project
         Pathway (2) : finding an actual live brief and a real life client
         Pathway (3) : starting from scratch on any topic
         Pathway (4) : it can be a "studio" based project (in a group)

  Mr Asrizal heavily emphasised on finding on, (1) the purpose of the project, (2) who does the project benefits, (3) what problems are you solving, (4) who is the target audiences.

Week 02
  I suggested 4 potential ideas for my major project, covering interests of mine, like, campaign design, packaging design and branding.

  After the consultation, Mr Asrizal mentioned that #idea01 has more potential, the contents needed to be more thought-out and more structured. 

Week 03
  I had an online consultation session with Mr Asrizal as I was sick on the offline consultation day. Sir mentioned he will assign me to Ms Anis to supervise my further progression.

Week 04
  I had an online consultation with Ms Anis, where I presented my ideas + current progression

Feedback from Ms Anis
✧  Suggestion to restructure the first two slides (current problem & project idea) as the scholar article I referenced was a decade ago, Ms suggested I find a newer source. Or use what I've explained (my real life observations) as the backing for the project to reflect back to the current problem statement.

  Highlighting the vision of the card game to what the game provide to the players rather than just minimising the reliance of phones during social gatherings, bringing back the togetherness value.

  Ms Anis recommended to include a competitor analysis of the card game that I was inspired by to further prove this types of game is workable.

  Providing rationale to all the things I chose is important in convincing the public

  For the project timeline, it is better to align it to the weeks that I have so it is easier to keep track of the progression
Week 05
  Comments from Ms Anis for this week:
✧ The readbality of the logo could be mistaken, as now the U is at the bottom, Ms did suggest maybe taking the U away and just make it as SURE AH? 

  Because I am working with so many cards, Ms Anis suggested I go printer sourcing to see what is the most cost friendly for a broke uni student :)

  While on the note, Ms Anis did told me to start thinking of what I'd like to display in the exhibition and what wordings I'll want to include in the designer's profile in every student's table booth.
Week 06
  Creating a project timeline really does help keep track of what needs to be done. This week I've finished the brand guideline of SURE AH? 

  Comments from Ms Anis was that it is a solid brand guideline that showcases what the brand is like. 

  I've also presented progressions on the card design, the changes I've made as well as explaining why I decided to change them, especially the now pos stamp border that is on every card design. Ms Anis mentioned it was a good change as it now emphasised more on the nostalgic tone. 

  One comment was that the Bonus Cards can be more vibrant to fit the other cards as it is not looking very POP at the moment. Ms also suggested I add a name for the game moderator, I reckon I will be settling with the title of "Ketua Pengawas"! 
Brand Guideline:

Week 07
  In this week, I showed Ms Anis my progression on the card designs. For the cards with more wordings, Ms suggested I could play with type hierarchy by changing the colours to make it more attention grabbing.

  When presenting the packaging part of the project, we discussed about the guli matter. It will be heavier to include actual gulis, Ms suggested I can look up shrunk plastic materials that I can make as an acrylic kind of version of it instead.

  As for the game rule guide that I will be including inside the box, Ms suggested to make the words short or use infographics so that the consumer can read it under 20 minutes.
Week 08 (PWD Week)

Week 09 & week 10

Week 11: Progression Presentation
  Presented my progression, all that needs to know about Sure Ah? to the lecturers and received feedbacks:
Card Game
 The colours are too similar, can't be differentiated
  Do not break the words in the cards, put them in the normal formation
  There needs to be some indication of what cards are what

Card box & Kit packaging 
  The colours look like Enfagrow colours, and reminds them of food packaging instead
  More fun element in the packaging design to showcase the card games

Week 12
  I've heed to the feedbacks given by the lecturers and amended as well as received good feedback from the panel of lecturers upon showing them the amended items.
  The lecturers complimented that I am adaptable and took in each of the feedbacks and amended each of them.

Week 13 & 14
  Once the artworks were approved by all lecturers i proceeded to move on to the printing stages
  With this I faced a few problems that occurred, which was the packaging for the card deck. The material I've printed started to show fragile signs and am now searching for a better artcard material to print it on
Final Compilation for Major Project
  I've now reached this module's last chapter, wrapping up the whole project


Coming back from Internship and going straight into this major project module has proven useful. Through the first stages of idea brainstorming, first consultations for potential projects, the late night initial sketches for the project, and going out to Pasar Seni and book shops to get inspirations to now the end of the journey. It was a beautiful journey and one that I am proud of. This is a project that was made solely by me from the beginning until the end, pouring all my heart into the project to make it the best version it can be. Getting constructive criticism from the lecturers helped me achieve something even better that I myself am not able to see. 

Grateful for the guidance from Ms Anis and how support she is always whenever I update Ms about the project. Thankful for my friends who were willing to lend me their ears to hear about the project and giving feedbacks from a non-designer perspective and always being my sweet, sweet "lab rats" when I was experimenting items for the project. I also appreciated my foreigner friends who gave their input of what they would like to see in a Malaysian game card from a foreigner's perspective, they were the ones who suggested me to include Malaysian slangs into the card game as I'd always say "lah", "walao" "eh" "sure ah" whenever I was with them. I'm thankful for Grey, my internship agency, for all the industry tips and the training for crafting a mockup from 0 to 100 in Photoshop.

Sure Ah? is a project for the people around me and for my country. With Merdeka and Malaysia Day around the corner, may this game be the glue to hold people together. Reconnecting Malaysians to their roots and relearning knowledges of our beloved country. 


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